Author Archives: admin

Dr. John Weitz, St. Cloud, MN

Jim, Thanks for an excellent outing yesterday. We had great fun.  You’re an excellent fisherman, guide and a nice guy. Keep us in mind if you think the conditions are good (for fly fishing). We’d be available on short notice. Your fish up there (Mille Lacs) could make a guy lie awake at night!  I love the Mississippi, but…Continue Reading

Chuck Hiemenz, St Cloud, MN

Jim, Thanks for a fantastic day on the big pond.  We had a wonderful time and we were blessed with ideal conditions.  We still can’t get the smiles off our faces.  You are a superb guide and great fun to fish with.  Keep us in mind for next year (2008) especially if you have short…Continue Reading

Seasonal Patterns for Mille Lacs Smallmouth Bass

By: Jim DaRosa Early Spring: Memorial Day to Mid June Smallmouth bass season usually opens the Saturday before Memorial Day, two weeks after the state wide walleye opener. Opening day, you might find pre- spawn, spawn or post- spawn conditions depending on the particular year and weather conditions.  Some years the bass will be spawning and…Continue Reading

Mille Lacs Smallmouth Alliance

ANGLERS JOIN TOGETHER TO FORM NON-PROFIT MILLE LACS SMALLMOUTH ALLIANCE IN MINNESOTA (Dec 4, 2015) Isle, Minn. — Local homeowners, business owners and concerned anglers have joined forces in Minnesota to form a new non-profit organization: the Mille Lacs Smallmouth Alliance. Recently electing a dedicated board of directors, the organization is starting work on its…Continue Reading

Book a trip of a lifetime

Now’s the time to consider booking a trip of a lifetime on Mille Lacs.  The smallmouth fishery forecast for 2025 should be one of the best years ever.  Give me a call to discuss dates.  I also can arrange multiple species trip for walleye or musky.    WE’RE ON FACEBOOK….become a facebook friend!/group.php?gid=343814209762&ref=ts or  Search “Jim…Continue Reading - Fishing Information - Musky Fishing Information
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